한국고용정보원은 AI의 발전으로 인해 2016년 국내 400여 개의 직업 중 8년 내 사라질 직업들을 발표했습니다. 그렇다면 직업들 중에서 사라질 가능성이 가장 높은 직업은 무엇일까요?

① 청소부, 주방보조원
② 변호사
③ 패스트푸드원
④ 항공기 조종사

응모기간 : 2020년 6월 30일까지
응모방법 : 정답과 핸드폰 번호를 seulhyekim@gist.ac.kr로 보내주세요.
추첨을 통해 20명에게 1만원 상당의 모바일 기프티콘을 드립니다.
상품발송 : 응모마감 후 일괄 전송

Heading towards the frontline of
AI technology research.

GIST’s AI Graduate School

GIST’s AI Graduate School aims to train AI convergence experts capable of generating new joint values through commercialization/start-uos utilizing AI and to creatively resolve issues faced by companies by understanding the core technologies of AI and cooperating with experts in various fields. To accomplish this, AI experts are created through T.R.A.I.N. education and G.I.S.T. AI for X research.

Tell us about the your current fields of research.
Sang Hoon Han I am currently involved in the field of SFM (Source Film Maker), in other words, materializing 3 dimensional objects using 2 images. It’s something like the hologram that you see in movies. 3 dimensional structures are created by light when the light is emitted in 4 directions. It can be utilized in AR (Augmented Reality) or VR (Virtual Reality), and it can be used in GPS to find the destination more easily. 3D maps can be used for robots to reach the destination flawlessly, and such technologies can be used in places like autonomous vehicle.
Byeong Hui Kim My field of research is Embodied AI. In Embodied AI, the research is about how a machine can learn the things that it has to do by itself based on the information acquired by seeing through the eyes and listening through the ears like a human when a person gives an instruction.
What is the reason for selecting AI Graduate School?
Sang Hoon Han Because it is a field that can be used anywhere you go in the future. Usually, this field doesn’t go out of fashion. 3D map is a field that is continuously in demand, so I decided on it because I thought it would be good to learn it once during the Ph.D. course.
Byeong Hui Kim Even from before, I wanted to make something that could work on behalf of me. This could be because I was lazy, but it wasn't so. For instance, in case of disasters, if machines can do things, people do not have to take risks. I chose it because I thought that it could be used in such areas, as well.
What would be the biggest advantage of GIST’s AI Graduate School?
Byeong Hui Kim Deep Learning and GPU (Graphics Processing Unit) are the most important, but there are many places that do not have support for GPU as we might imagine. GIST offers a lot of support, so the level of freedom in selecting the research area is extensive.
Sang Hoon Han Hundreds of papers are published in a day in the field of deep learning. But in such a situation, it is extremely unfortunate that papers cannot be published due to the lack of computational power in such a situation. From this aspect, GIST invests aggressively in equipment, so this can be a huge strength for researchers.
What advice would you give to those who wish to enter the AI Graduate School?
Byeong Hui Kim Currently, AI is extremely popular. But I hope that you would apply just by looking at this fact. Your interest is essential to research. And, if you are interested, it is better to do some in-depth research. As you are aware, the field of AI is extremely extensive. So, before admission, experience as much as you can in advance and decide which field you would like to research in more detail, and I think that would help.