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① 청소부, 주방보조원
② 변호사
③ 패스트푸드원
④ 항공기 조종사

응모기간 : 2020년 6월 30일까지
응모방법 : 정답과 핸드폰 번호를 seulhyekim@gist.ac.kr로 보내주세요.
추첨을 통해 20명에게 1만원 상당의 모바일 기프티콘을 드립니다.
상품발송 : 응모마감 후 일괄 전송

Smaller, lighter, safer

Professor Kwang-sup Eom, researchers Seung Min Lee and Ha Eun Lee, School of Materials Science and Engineering
New material engineering studies the development of high-tech materials used in various hightech science technologies, such as information engineering, bio-engineering, nano-technology, environment technology, and space technology. The School of Materials Science and Engineering at GIST trains research experts to be pioneers in the high-tech industry and has succeeded in developing highly stable, high capacity batteries. We met with Professor Kwang-sup Eom, Seung Min Lee, and Ha Eun Lee, a research team at the School of Materials Science and Engineering.
Are there areas where the small battery that you are currently researching on can be applied to daily life?
Prof. Eom Small batteries don't just refer to small batteries literally but also includes developing batteries with high energy storage capacity per volume and miniaturizing them. We have developed materials capable of storing a lot of energy and operating stably, compared to materials that were previously used that centered on battery electrode material. In other words, selenium electrode material in pervious batteries had the problem of rapid drop in initial performance, and we were looking for measures to clearly investigate the root cause in order to reduce drop in performance.
Seung Min Lee In a broad spectrum, there is a large capacity storage device called energy storage system (ESS). I think it would be good to utilize as the volume can be minimized when compared to existing materials, and I think it would be convenient to use it in mobile applications that require small volume.
Prof. Eom In particular, the biggest advantage is that the material price is affordable. It would probably be useful particularly in mobile areas. If it is made in the same size, the energy capacity would increase by two-fold, so it can be used for a long period of time. To achieve the same capacity, the volume decreases so the entire weight of the mobile product would become lighter.
홍You conducted joint research with Hongik University and Kyung Hee University research teams. Please tell us about the background and also some episodes, if any.
Prof. Eom They have conducted joint research when I was studying in the US. Their majors are mostly high polymers, and I am involved in developed energy material based on electrical science. This research was about surface treatment using high polymers. So, we were able to achieve good results in battery performance, and I requested for their assistance in order to gain advice regarding surface analysis to investigate the phenomenon, particularly concerning high polymer analysis, and they willingly offered their assistance.
Ha Eun Lee Professor Jae Han Jung from Hongik University came a long distance without hesitation and made analysis until late at night, so I was grateful.
What’s are your future research plans?
Seung Min Lee For me, my next research will be on lithium selenium. I’d like also like to conduct research on other materials, particularly, sulfur electrode materials which is gaining much more attention. Sulfur is more affordable than selenium with more capacity, but it also faces similar. problems. The plan is to conduct research on the cause of performance drop and its analysis so that better material that is more affordable with more capacity can be used
Your paper was also published in an international science academic journal. Please tell us how you feel about it.
Seung Min Lee Actually, I still feel a little dazed. It took quite some time to prepare the paper. It took about a year from the idea development to the publication.
Prof. Eom Usually, if the research result is interesting enough to publish, it takes quite some time. In case of our research this time, the publication was decided within two months after the paper was submitted. Fortunately, all three evaluators quickly made positive decision to publish. The students started everything from idea development. In that sense, I think it is an extremely encouraging performance.
Ha Eun Lee This is my 2nd year in integrated Master’s course, and I was able to obtain a good result after a year of joining this research center. I had learned about lithium secondary cell since my intern period, and I’m glad that the result was good and I thank the professor for the support.
Prof. Eom I’m also grateful to the students. They started the research activities from idea development to paper organization which wasn’t easy, so I am always grateful to the students. In the future, I hope that more good research could be conducted together. I’m always grateful to Seung Min Lee and Ha Eun Lee for following and trusting me!