한국고용정보원은 AI의 발전으로 인해 2016년 국내 400여 개의 직업 중 8년 내 사라질 직업들을 발표했습니다. 그렇다면 직업들 중에서 사라질 가능성이 가장 높은 직업은 무엇일까요?

① 청소부, 주방보조원
② 변호사
③ 패스트푸드원
④ 항공기 조종사

응모기간 : 2020년 6월 30일까지
응모방법 : 정답과 핸드폰 번호를 seulhyekim@gist.ac.kr로 보내주세요.
추첨을 통해 20명에게 1만원 상당의 모바일 기프티콘을 드립니다.
상품발송 : 응모마감 후 일괄 전송

Daily lives of GIST students as
introduced by GION NARAE!

Plans and daily lives of GIST students

Life of a 1st-year student
Hi. I am a student majoring in electrical engineering and computer science at GIST College, entering my 2nd year this year. To introduce the life of a freshman at GIST, it could be largely classified into two period: freshmen camp and the actual semester. Prior to admission, the freshmen camp is a program that is offered to newcomers so that they can adjust to the campus. For two weeks, various lectures can be taken, and you will be able to explore GIST with friends during free time or when you prepare for the freshmen camp final presentation. As you spend most of the time with friends in the same class, I was able to naturally make close friends. My team leader helped me apply for lectures!
Once the semester begins, you will have busy days with tight schedules, with classes on basic science, mathematics, frehsmen seminar, and entertainment and sports classes. But, there are less classes on Friday, so from Friday it feels like a weekend, and I was able to enjoy cultural activities that I was not able to enjoy during high school. In addition, as we don’t have a major in the 1st year, so we can take the classes that we wanted, which helps choose your major. ‘GIST Newcomer’ enables you to meet your academic advisor periodically. As you take part in counseling with professors, I learned that it was not difficult to approach the professors for communication. Now that I’m in the 2nd year, I realize how nice it would have been if I had utilized this time more wisely. Also, the entertainment and sports classes at GIST were like much-needed. I recommend that you make use of this time.
Life of a 2nd-year student
Hi. I’m a 3rd year student majoring in Earth Sciences and Environmental Engineering at GIST College. The daily routine as a 2nd year student was not much different from the 1st year. It was a repetition of listening to classes and participating in club activities at night or doing tasks. But the difference would be starting the concentration courses and taking classes centered on your major. The advantage is that when you select your major, you’re able to focus only on the subject that you want to learn. But, because I spent more time in club activities, I felt that 24 hours were not enough most of the time.
Even if you are not the head of a club, students in my same year had become the leader, so a lot of active members were 2nd year students. I took part in performance clubs, and last year I went to ‘Stadium’ which was an exchange event with colleges specializing in science technology that was held in POSTECH. Although I was tired because of the long trip, it was interesting because it was a unique experience on the school stage. In addition, I think you’d be interested in the summer seasonal lecture programs at overseas universities so let me introduce how my life was overseas. I spent the summer semester at UC Berkeley, and I woke up early in the morning to take lectures. Once the morning lecture was over, I had lunch and explored the school. It’s good to make memories with GIST friends, but I wanted to do something that I could only experience there, so I wanted to enjoy everything that I could as a UC Berkeley student. So, after lectures, I used the school facilities such as the library, fitness center, and piano room.
Plans of a 3rd year student
Hi. I’m a 3rd year student majoring in Physics at GIST College. It makes me excited and nervous, thinking that I have completed the 1st and 2nd year and am becoming a 3rd year student soon. There may not be an answer to how the 3rd year can be spent well, but I have set up a plan by myself based on what I have seen and heard over the last two years.
During the semester, I plan to take a lot of concentration subjects. In the physics concentration at GIST, we take important concentration subjects and major experiment classes. Even although credits are important, it lays a solid foundation when reading papers or conducting researches so I’m thinking of studying the subject diligently.
In addition, I intend to have an internship at a laboratory during the next vacation. During this vacation, I spent a little time taking part in the a study-type of internship, which enabled me to participate in meetings only without going to work at the laboratory and a. Although it was a short period of time, I was able to read papers and listen to the presentation of graduate school students, so I learned a lot of things. To write a paper in the 4th year, we have to decide the laboratory. To personally find out which laboratory would be suitable for me, I plan to intern officially after picking the laboratory in advance. I’m planning to enter a laboratory related to computational physics, and I plan to learn more through events that introduce laboratories or through concentration workshops.
Plans of a 4th year student
Hi. I’m a 4th year student majoring in Life Science at GIST College. I think a lot of you would be curious to know how to spend the semester or vacation in the 4th year. I also contemplated on the same things, and I am trying to seek advices from several seniors to make the vacation more meaningful.
For those who aim to enter graduate school, I think you would agree with me that we have to focus on preparing the graduation thesis in the 4th year. I am staying with the research team where I am conducting intern activities, and preparing for the graduation paper. Now, I’m learning various experimental techniques step by step and . Once time goes by and I become familiar with experiments, I plan to learn various fields that are usually dealt with in the laboratory. Once I complete these studies to a certain extent, I hope to determine the theme of my graduation paper by myself. Our laboratory researches the generation process of vascular cell and in order to become as skilled as the other seniors in the laboratory, I think I have the spend the remaining year studying harder, starting from now.
Meanwhile, I think I will be able to schedule the classes a little more flexibly. A lot of people would feel the same way. As credits have been earned sufficiently by now, I plan not to take so many classes. Instead, I plan to study more by reading research papers. Although there are less classes to take, I think it would be more occupied as I prepare for graduation and life.
Life in the Master’s program
Currently, I’m taking the master’s course in the integrated master’s and Ph.D. program in the Convergence Catalyst Laboratory at the GIST Department of Chemistry. Our laboratory studies the correlation between the structure and reactiveness of active enzyme site by synthesizing molecular compounds that has duplicated the metalloenzymes body and develops organo-metallic compound catalysts and electrocatalyst that has duplicated the body structure and application principle.
Most of the time during a day is spent experimenting and analyzing. Every week, one person presents the respective research progress and items related to the paper. Every single day is busy and repetitive, but sometimes we go out nearby with the laboratory members to eat something delicious or to enjoy a break.
Nowadays, I am conducting electrochemistry analysis, and I am studying CO2 reduction efficiency of electrocatalyst through Cyclic Voltammetry. I am greatly interested in the fact that the synthesized catalyst can be applied in real situations, and I feel a big sense of accomplishment when I collect data and the open form looks well in a graph.
When you conduct experiments cautiously in a dangerous environment with a lot of gas and chemical substances, you tend to become tired easily so I felt that it was important to keep fit. After I complete the day’s work, I work out at the fitness center. I am conducting research, hoping that one day a constructive paper with my name and the name of my school would be published.
Life in the Ph.D. program
I’m now in the 3rd year of my Ph.D. at the School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science. My field of research involves processing voice signals inserted through a microphone using voice signal processing to enhance voice quality or to apply it to voice recognition. Among it, I research on the theme of voice emotion recognition that recognizes the emotions of people using various properties such as the speaker’s strength of voice, speed, details of pronunciation, and use of specific words. Currently, as I conduct several R&D tasks, I am exploring what role the topic that I am researching on would have and how to resolve problems.
And as the head of the lab, I think it is necessary to take care of the communication between the professor and students and the work in the laboratory. Moreover, I think it is necessary to distribute the required work equally balanced to maintain harmony between students, as well. I plan to share basic knowledge and research studies with juniors. Things cannot be done alone by myself, so we need to maintain a good relationship with the members of the laboratory. From this year, I plan to allocate some time every day in studying English and working out for self-improvement, instead of focusing only on research. Besides, I as these are last years of my twenties, I hope to enjoy graduate school life by experiencing many things besides research.