한국고용정보원은 AI의 발전으로 인해 2016년 국내 400여 개의 직업 중 8년 내 사라질 직업들을 발표했습니다. 그렇다면 직업들 중에서 사라질 가능성이 가장 높은 직업은 무엇일까요?

① 청소부, 주방보조원
② 변호사
③ 패스트푸드원
④ 항공기 조종사

응모기간 : 2020년 6월 30일까지
응모방법 : 정답과 핸드폰 번호를 seulhyekim@gist.ac.kr로 보내주세요.
추첨을 통해 20명에게 1만원 상당의 모바일 기프티콘을 드립니다.
상품발송 : 응모마감 후 일괄 전송

Learning artificial intelligence at GIST

Prof. MoonGu Jeon
Adjunct Professor in AI Graduate School (Visual Surveillance AI/Computer Vision)
2001 Ph.D. in Scientific Computation, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, USA
1999 M.S. in Computer Science, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, USA
1988 B.S. in Architectural Engineering, Korea University, Seoul, Korea

2019~Present Director, Korea, Culture Tech. Institute, GIST
2017~2018 Chair, School of EECS, GIST
2010~2012 Director, Business Incubator Center, GIST
2005~Present Assistant, Associate, Full Professor, School of EECS, GIST
The lecture on artificial intelligence (EC 4209/AI 5209) is a subject where you learn what artificial intelligence is and what can be done with it. There are several methods for approaching AI and here, you learn about AI based on agents. Ultimately, you will learn the basic principles for designing physical entities such as robots with intelligence or software systems such as the recommended system. Agents receives data from external environment through sensors and transmits appropriate output to the environment to achieve the goal. For instance, autonomous vehicles complying with the law while safely taking a passenger to a destination or efficiently winning in case of games like AlphaGo or chess. In order to effectively achieve such objectives, agents have to be capable of finding answers in a data structure or graph data structure, planning the act of finding and processing the uncertain of data arising from various unknowns and be capable of making reasonable decisions. In order to become a slightly smarter agent, it has to be capable of learning from data or experience. This would be the machine learning/deep learning field which is currently gaining big advances. You will learn about classification of data with machine learning, clustering, and reinforcement learning based on trial and error. Currently, such AI technology is being utilized in diverse fields such as diagnosing and predicting illnesses, developing new drugs, unmanned vehicles, image/music products and the like. This subject deals with the overall details related to artificial intelligence, and it can be said to be an essential subject that demonstrates the possibility of various applications in many fields. Lecture information

Lecture information
Classification : Graduate School
Course No. : AI5209-01
Hrs:E:Credits : 3/0/3
Instructor : Jeon, Moon-Gu

Lecture Language : English
Textbook & References : “Artificial Intelligence : A
Modern Approach (3rd edition)(2009) by Stuart
Russell, Peter Norvig”