한국고용정보원은 AI의 발전으로 인해 2016년 국내 400여 개의 직업 중 8년 내 사라질 직업들을 발표했습니다. 그렇다면 직업들 중에서 사라질 가능성이 가장 높은 직업은 무엇일까요?

① 청소부, 주방보조원
② 변호사
③ 패스트푸드원
④ 항공기 조종사

응모기간 : 2020년 6월 30일까지
응모방법 : 정답과 핸드폰 번호를 seulhyekim@gist.ac.kr로 보내주세요.
추첨을 통해 20명에게 1만원 상당의 모바일 기프티콘을 드립니다.
상품발송 : 응모마감 후 일괄 전송

Prologue to the era of AI

Jobs that will disappear and remain within 8 years

Artificial intelligence (AI) is ‘technology that combines the learning, inference, and perceptual abilities of human to understand natural language by using computer programs.’ Just has how steam engine and electricity had led to the industrial revolution, AI is the core engine that has brought about the 4th Industrial Revolution and is already spreading not only in industry but also in the field of information technology. AI, which merely executes simple orders, is equipped with massive data and computing power due to software development, expansion of computational abilities of processors, and the development of competitive quantum computing are opening the doors to a transition of a new era. With AI quickly evolving, it is now possible to achieve the future that we have once dreamed of: safe unmanned vehicle, convenient and accurate medical examinations, fast and safe disaster and crisis management. AI has already surpassed human abilities in several fields. Perhaps it’s only natural for us to be afraid that one day AI will transcend humans, just like the movies. How can we coexist with the amazing technology of AI?
People are asking AI speakers for weather forecasts and the latest songs. The AI service that offers companionship to elderly people living alone in a TV advertisement is all the more touching. However, the history of AI development wasn’t all glitter and gold until recently. The start of AI goes back to the 1950s when the British mathematician Alan Turing described the method of testing whether machines can think, the possibility of developing intelligent machine, and machine learning in his seminal paper, “Computing Machinery and Intelligence.” The term AI was first used at the Dartmouth Workshop which was held in 1956 by Professor John McCarthy from Dartmouth College. Since then, although neural network-based AI research was carried out by a few neurologists and scholars, the developments were insignificant. From then on, the decisive moment for AI has been the past five years. Research on AI that recognizes external information, learns, infers, and acts like a human have become active. Now, AI is capable of independently receiving and learning information by processing and understanding huge amounts of external data. Since 2016, with research on reinforcement learning that learns the intended goal by itself through trial and error, AI has taken one step closer to the thinking abilities of humans. AI research in the field of behavior based on inference and prediction that were considered to be distinct characteristics of humans is unveiling new possibilities. The development of AI has just started to pick up speed.
One day the Als are going to look back on us the same way we look at fossil skeletons on the plains of Africa. An upright ape living in dust with crude language and tools, all set for extinction.
- From the movie <Ex Machina>

Things created by AI

One thing that is more surprising than the development of AI in the past five years is the fact that key countries and companies are already applying the output of AI research in products and services for commercialization. Google and Facebook has secured accuracy close to 100% in face recognition technology by utilizing deep learning and Amazon has registered patents for anticipatory shipping, which predicts payments and starts shipping procedures in warehouses upon log-in by using AI. Moreover, AI is being utilized in professional fields, from legal to medical. If related journals or the latest research data and clinical data could be imported by AI that has learned tens of thousands of examples from professional fields can be materialized, people would be able to receive judgments and diagnoses that would be more accurate than skilled professionals with in-depth experiences. Automatic driving is also no longer a dream. NVIDIA, an American semi-conductor manufacturer revealed the world’s first AI computer that has been designed to develop fully autonomous taxis and Tesla’s Autopilot has reached a level of 100% autonomous driving without human intervention. We’re also seeing the advent of AIs that have and express emotions. Pepper, a robot developed by SoftBank in Japan is equipped with AI called ‘emotion engine,’ which is capable of empathizing with user’s sadness and sharing happiness. In Germany, AI has completed Beethoven’s ‘10th Unfinished Symphony’ and an AI painter, Deep Dream developed by Google has painted 29 artworks in total that have been sold at US$ 97,000.

Small fear that AI has posed


In the MBC documentary, , there were scenes of a bus driver worrying about his job as he glances at an unmanned bus equipped with AI and a low-wage day worker assisting a computer recognizing houses in aerial maps during while working from home, which gained a lot of sympathy from the viewers. In this context, we try to imagine the advent of AI that is far above humans. It’s a fearful thing. The development of AI is related to the survival of humans. Stephen Hawking and Elon Musk mentioned that AI and robots would bring about the extinction of mankind. However, the more urgent matter to us is the fact that jobs will gradually disappear. A report announced by a research team from Oxford University Martin School in UK in 2013 predicted that close to 47% of jobs among 702 jobs in the US would disappear in the next 20 years due to the advancement of AI. It foresaw that general labor jobs throughout all industries such as telemarketers, watch repairer, librarian, data inserter, cashier and toll collectors would be greatly affected. The same goes for professionals, as well. The biggest development of artificial intelligence is being concentrated in the so-called professional fields. So, perhaps it’s only natural that we feel anxious about AI as it can exhibit capacities surpassing humans in the fields of medicine, finance, resource development, disaster rescue and the like. The result of research by Oxford University predicted that 1 out of 3 existing jobs would disappear in 20 years.


The force of humans that would pioneer AI

Many scientists and entrepreneurs predict that countless number of jobs would disappear because of artificial intelligence. This includes the medical field, as well. If so, would AI be able to replace doctors? One thing for sure is that AI is capable of acquiring new medical knowledge and technology faster than humans and more reasonable decisions can be made for the treatment of the patients. However, would AI be able to fully understand the suffering, anxiety, anger, and frustration that patients feel? Prior to diagnosing illnesses, communicating with the patient is the duty of a doctor. There is no moral standard in AI, and it doesn’t select values that humans pursue. Errors exist and in the worst case, and it can be misused. It requires human judgment and supervision. AI can never replace a doctor. Creativity, sensibility, and ability to communicate that can only be achieved by humans are the biggest challenges to AI.

Unresolved tasks

AI is going to provide amazing advantages to mankind that we have never dreamed about so far. Therefore, the world is competing to gain an upper hand in AI. One thing worth noting is that the AI technology gap between advanced countries and South Korea is significant. This is because of a late start. Efforts to secure high quality data and enhance competence for developing competitive AI are imperative. Above all, support is required in order to foster high standard professionals. Are you still afraid of the future that AI will be creating? It would be worth looking forward to.