한국고용정보원은 AI의 발전으로 인해 2016년 국내 400여 개의 직업 중 8년 내 사라질 직업들을 발표했습니다. 그렇다면 직업들 중에서 사라질 가능성이 가장 높은 직업은 무엇일까요?

① 청소부, 주방보조원
② 변호사
③ 패스트푸드원
④ 항공기 조종사

응모기간 : 2020년 6월 30일까지
응모방법 : 정답과 핸드폰 번호를 seulhyekim@gist.ac.kr로 보내주세요.
추첨을 통해 20명에게 1만원 상당의 모바일 기프티콘을 드립니다.
상품발송 : 응모마감 후 일괄 전송


“People fear what they don’t understand.” Quote from the movie Artificial intelligence (AI) is ‘technology that combines the learning, inference, and perceptual abilities of human to understand natural language by using computer programs.’ Just has how steam engine and electricity had led to the industrial revolution, AI is the core engine that has brought about the 4th Industrial Revolution and is already spreading not only in industry but also in the field of information technology. AI, which merely executes simple orders, is equipped with massive data and computing power due to software development, expansion of computational abilities of processors, and the development of competitive quantum computing are opening the doors to a transition of a new era. With AI quickly evolving, it is now possible to achieve the future that we have once dreamed of: safe unmanned vehicle, convenient and accurate medical examinations, fast and safe disaster and crisis management. AI has already surpassed human abilities in several fields. Perhaps it’s only natural for us to be afraid that one day AI will transcend humans, just like
