지스트와 캘리포니아 공과대학의 교류 및 교육 프로그램으로서 2011년 글로벌 과학 기술 인재 육성프로그램의 일환으로 <진화생물학 및 필드트립>이 운영되었다. 이 프로그램을 통해 2018년 지스트 학생들이 갈라파고스를 다녀와서 집필한 책이 ‘2020 우수학술도서’로 선정되었다. 이 책의 제목은 무엇일까요

① 「갈라파고스에서 들려주는 진화생물학」
② 「갈라파고스와 함께한 진화생물학」
③ 「에콰도르로 떠난 지스트」
④ 「갈라파고스에서 살아남기」
⑤ 「진화론과 갈라파고스」

응모기간 : 2020년 12월 31일까지
응모방법 : 정답과 핸드폰 번호를 ryulina@gist.ac.kr로 보내주세요.
추첨을 통해 20명에게 1만원 상당의 모바일 기프티콘을 드립니다.
상품발송 : 응모마감 후 일괄 전송

From GIST to Powerhouse of
Science and Culture

Yeong-jip Kim
Vice President for Public Affairs

The 27-year-old GIST, nearly 30, has a lot to do. As a core member of domestic and international science and technology circles, GIST’s biggest goal is to become a treasure house of the region by playing multilateral roles to connect the region to the country and people to nature. This will be achieved by those who are continuously making efforts to turn GIST into the powerhouse of science and culture

27 Years with Domestic and Foreign Science and Technology Circles.
It has already been 27 years since GIST was founded. GIST has grown into one of the top 5 global research universities in the 2020 QS World University Rankings, which took quite a bit of time. Also, 6,361 GIST graduates are actively playing their parts in various fields of society, including the science and technology circles. This year, in particular, GIST was selected for the Artificial Intelligence (AI) Graduate School Support Program of the Ministry of Science and ICT and established the AI Graduate School to have the honor of becoming the central hub for the AI centered city of Gwangju.
Affirming the Meaning of GIST and 27.
In English, “gist” is a word that means ‘substance’ or ‘essence’ and the number 27 in oriental studies represent the relationship between people and everything in the universe. Literally, through 27 years of history, GIST is becoming the substance and essence of our science and technology circles and the local community. Also, the 27th year after the foundation can be interpreted as the opportunity for GIST to develop new relations with humans, nature, and society to make a new leap forward.
Look Back on GIST's Vision and Dream of the Future Together.
GIST has three visions, which are to carry out inclusive R&D with the national and local community, operate as an exemplary institution that contributes to the nation and society, and foster global leaders for a science and technology-centered society. Due to the faculty, staff, students, and applicants who have devoted themselves to GIST with great intelligence and passion, GIST is realizing its vision and is still working hard to achieve more through its many strengths. GIST may establish itself as an unprecedented and top-notch science and engineering college by the time GIST becomes 30 years old. I strongly hope that all of us make this dream come true.
GIST Must Play the Role as the National Powerhouse of Science and Culture beyond the Region.
In the midst of global changes following COVID-19, the power of science will become the driving force for the world and the power of innovation. Competitiveness will come from science that leads to fast and outstanding R&D results. This is also the reason why a country or a region must foster science and technology by devoting all their might. Gwangju's future vision is an AI-centered city and a culture-centered city. In fact, this vision is the development direction not only of Gwangju but also of the entire Honam (Southwestern) Region including Jeollanam-do and Jeollabuk-do. However, the vision of local governments cannot be achieved only by raising the banner, but it requires specific strategies, infrastructures, driving forces and implementation processes. For this, GIST must take the role and responsibility in making Gwangju City and Honam the centers of science and culture. In this regard, it is only natural to expect GIST to become a powerhouse of science and culture and a leader for innovation and hope that creates a bright future for the local community. Currently, GIST is promoting an open regional college network, a research innovation platform for regional innovation research institutes, and a think tank platform for a future policy research institute that establishes national and regional policies that will become the powerhouse that creates the future of the country and region. A new transition in educational research innovation is a key element for a future-oriented college.
GIST as the Region’s Treasure House, Close Connection with Local Community.
GIST also intends to connect and cooperate more closely with the local community. GIST should not be an island in Gwangju but a treasure house of Gwangju. The local community also wants this for GIST so as to make the human and material resources of GIST the local residents’ and the local treasure house, so that the citizens can think of GIST as “Our GIST.”
Achieving GIST Singularity by Remembering the Values of Communication, Freedom, Contribution, Setting Examples, and Respect.
For this, we must practice sacrifice and dedication to the country and community as the most important virtues. GIST’s faculty, students, alumni, GTMBA alumni, and all members of the development foundation must put together these values and unite their wills to create a city of science and culture. Only when we change, the world would see and sympathize with us, making GIST “our GIST” and not an institute of others. The strength in the future society does not simply come from numbers or scales, but also from collective intelligence and networks.
GIST must connect people and connect people to everything in society, weaving them closely together. We will be able to achieve transformation the moment we maximize the density and integrative strength in them. We are getting near GIST singularity (a specific moment when quantitative expansion transforms into a qualitative leap).
My Role is to Answer My Calling, Laying a Foundation for GIST’s Development.
The Vice President for Public Affairs is the role that should realize and practice public affairs as a calling so that GIST's vision and values can be embodied in the real world, the country, and the local community. In particular, I would like to help the president and the other vice presidents and faculty members to realize the idea of GIST 30 Renaissance. Also, since I have been personally involved in various activities with the local community, I expect a lot from the connection and cooperation with the local community inside and outside of GIST. I will be sincere, and I believe that I can play a part in laying the foundation for the transformation and growth of GIST.