지스트와 캘리포니아 공과대학의 교류 및 교육 프로그램으로서 2011년 글로벌 과학 기술 인재 육성프로그램의 일환으로 <진화생물학 및 필드트립>이 운영되었다. 이 프로그램을 통해 2018년 지스트 학생들이 갈라파고스를 다녀와서 집필한 책이 ‘2020 우수학술도서’로 선정되었다. 이 책의 제목은 무엇일까요

① 「갈라파고스에서 들려주는 진화생물학」
② 「갈라파고스와 함께한 진화생물학」
③ 「에콰도르로 떠난 지스트」
④ 「갈라파고스에서 살아남기」
⑤ 「진화론과 갈라파고스」

응모기간 : 2020년 12월 31일까지
응모방법 : 정답과 핸드폰 번호를 ryulina@gist.ac.kr로 보내주세요.
추첨을 통해 20명에게 1만원 상당의 모바일 기프티콘을 드립니다.
상품발송 : 응모마감 후 일괄 전송

Smombies are Coming

Smombie, a compound word coined by combining smartphone and zombie, was first used in Germany in 2015. It describes people who are walking on the streets with their eyes fixed to their smartphones reminiscent of zombies. While there are not many people that call themselves smombies, we can see them quite often. You must have seen people, walking slowly like zombies with their smartphones on one hand and Bluetooth ear phones in both ears, in the transfer section of the subway during rush hour and those that are staring at their smartphones while walking on the sidewalk or standing at the crosswalk, waiting for the signal to change. These people, walking while absorbed in a six-inch screen, are the smombies.

Don't be surprised when you find a shining red line on the pavement in front of the crosswalk. When the traffic signal ahead turns into the pedestrian signal, the red line on the ground changes to green. Don't be surprised if you hear a voice at the traffic signal when you step outside the yellow line while looking at your smartphone when the signal is still red. The same goes for the moment you try to cross when the green light blinks to indicate that it will turn red in ten seconds. Think of it as the voice from heaven trying to save you, the smombies. The ground level traffic lights, also called zombie lights in Israel, are gradually spreading nationwide in Korea after Seoul introduced them in 2018. Expectations are high that the ground level traffic lights might become the savior for smombies.

When the hard and yellow corn kernels reach a high temperature around 180°C, the pressure inside increases to 930 kPa (about 9.2 mb), and it will eventually pop, causing the protein and starch that were boiling inside to rise as bubbles. The bubbles quickly solidify and become white popcorn. A brain that only responds to intense stimuli like popcorn is called the popcorn brain. If you can't stand a moment not looking at your smartphone while waiting for a bus and going up and down the stairs in the subway and if you put off the work you have to do and keep unlocking your smartphone screen for something new, then you are a popcorn brain. David Levy, a professor at the University of Washington, who introduced the term “popcorn brain” to the public, said, "The brain loses interest in simple and mediocre things when it continues to receive strong stimulations." This is why smombies who can’t let go their smartphone, looking for strong stimuli, can’t be considered separately from the popcorn brain.

‘Forest’ – If you plant a seed in the forest when you need to concentrate on something, the tree will grow when you concentrate, and if you leave the app, not being able to stand the temptation of the smartphone, the tree will dry out. The app will help you stay away from the smartphone for a while to increase your concentration while planting trees.
‘Focusi’ – This is a study timer. Before starting something that you want to study or concentrate on, check the tips on how to concentrate and prevent smartphone addiction on the ‘Hint’ screen to motivate yourself. This is an app that motivates you while providing statistics on the time of concentration in the past.

'Popularization of AR Glass'
Various smart devices have been released for those who are often called smombies or phono sapiens. One of them is AR Glass, which became more affordable and lighter since August of this year. By improving the previous version, which could not be broadly commercialized in terms of price and size, or, to put it simply, too expensive and heavy, the domestic communication carrier, LG U+, began to sell the public-oriented AR Glasses that are 1/4 of previous AR glasses in terms of price and weight. It is expected to prevent the risks of smombies who might bump into passers-by while looking at the smartphone while using public transportation or on the street as you can increase the screen up to 100 inches and check the situation in the front of you.
'Order and Payment Kiosks and Barista Robots'
The non-face-to-face culture has more widespread due to COVID-19. However, it has already been spreading among those who are in their 20s and the emergence of smombies can be taken as a part of the culture. In the university town, kiosks that are used to place orders and make payments in unattended stores are not new, and there are even unattended cafes and barista robots. In this cafe, which can be operated unattended around the clock, you place your order through the Kiosk and an AI robot will prepare Americano and other beverages. It is expected that this kind of service is going to expand gradually as it targets millennials who are familiar with smartphones.

Nevertheless, a culture against smombies is also emerging. A movement called digital fasting or digital detox is expanding recently. Like no mobile-phone phobia, it is an essential practice for modern people who suffer from anxiety symptoms when they do not have their smartphones and are overly dependent on them. The movement is about setting their own rules to lower their smartphone dependency, such as turning off smartphones outside of certain hours or consciously reading paper books before going to sleep instead of taking their smartphones. When have you been spaced out recently? If you have not been spaced out today, you might be a smombie. You need self-awakening and self-awareness to pull yourself out from the smombies. When you rely on new information and more stimuli, you will have less ability to remember realistic information and interpret complex texts. Mark Bauerlein, a professor at Emory University in the U.S., also indicated a social problem in his book, , that the phono sapiens are digitally bound together but unable to develop in terms of communication and interpretation.
Emergence of Travel Packages
In the US, a travel package called Getaway House is popular. Getaway House provides a space to spend time in the woods away from digital devices such as mobile phones, laptops, and TVs. In Korea, a resort, disconnected from external network, was constructed in Hongcheon, Gangwon-do.